Thursday, January 24, 2008

I think: of my gpa this sem
I know: we are gonna be late for chemistry
I want: to sleep!!
I have: to go to chemistry
I wish: this semester is over
I hate: bitches and sluts
I miss: Dosh's brotherly luv
I fear: losing someone I care about

okok...continue....chemistry time...

I feel: so messed up
I hear: cars, heater vibration
I smell: plain
I crave: sleep
I search: for guidance
I wonder: if I can get a good grades studying a day before test or a week before test?
I regret: for every single sin I've commit
I love: my family and friends, dancing
I ache: whatever makes me sick
I long: for good grades and bright future
I care: about myself, family, friends, and the world
I always: chat with Ude
I am not: straight. I am a BISEXUAL
I believe: I can survive the Delaware Petronas Conference
I dance: pretty well but not very...
I sing: whatever song I like
I cry: when I dont have the way out of something, afraid, and guilt
I do not always: smile
I fight: with someone I really2 know
I write: anything that crosses my mind
I win: everytime.. almost...
I lose: when the other party started to cry
I listen: to hiphop and reggae
I can usually be found: at Ude's crib
I am scared: of failure, bad spirits
I need: TO STUDY
I am allergic to: minah gedik!!!
I should: go study now
I hope: for good grades and being a great dancer
I follow: whatever I wanna do with some outside guidance
I find: myself is a bisexual
I smile: when I feel good about myself
I laugh: when I want to
I am obsessed with: dance
I do: Petroleum Engineers..hehhehe...
I tell: nothing
I talk: to my friends and friendly people
I bitch: with Dosh, Ude, Baby, Ilyani, Jezzebelle, Mak, Saty, and Nana
I despise: nobody
I see: the true meaning of life